Executive Committee The Executive Committee is responsible for strategic planning and oversight of the organization’s work. Officers Chair: Adrienne Cozart, South Plains Vice Chair: Chester Sackett, Golden Crescent Treasurer: Frank Almaraz, Lower Rio Grande Members Martin Aguirre, South Plains; Lupita Canales, South Texas; Tyane Dietz, Deep East Texas; Mark Guthrie, Gulf Coast; Guy Robert Jackson, Gulf Coast; Chester Sackett, Golden Crescent; Roger Harris, North Central Texas Public Policy Committee The goal of the Public Policy Committee is to develop recommendations on education and workforce training public policy to federal and state legislative and regulatory entities/officials. Committee Chair: Guy Robert Jackson, Gulf Coast External Relations Committee The goal of the External Relations Committee is to increase public awareness and recognition of the Workforce Development Boards and their role as convener, facilitator, workforce broker, community voice, and capacity builder. Committee Chair: Tyane Dietz, Deep East Texas Finance & Development Committee The purpose of the Finance & Development Committee is to oversee TAWB financial operations, and develop initiatives that enhance TAWB financial resources to support member services and organization development. Committee Chair: Chester Sackett, Golden Crescent Executive Directors Council (EDC) The purpose of the TAWB Executive Directors Council (EDC) is provide a forum for the executive directors of the 28 workforce development boards in to discuss administrative issues in the implementation of workforce services and to support professional development of board staff members.